Monday, March 25, 2013


Today Brynn and I went to an amazing choir practice at theGeneral Conference Center. me, Ella am preparing to sing in the General Young Women's broadcast on March 31, 2013. it was an amzing experiecne!j the choir sounded so strong and so beautiful that i just couldnt keep a smile off my face. this experience helped me realize who i am and who the young women are; we are daughters of god.

As we recited the Young Women's theme we said it slowly and really thought about what we were saying. You are never alone, there is always somebody watching out for you.

I have enjoyed every moment of this wonderful opportunity to sing in this amazing choir, and I try not to take it for granite.  But i'm going to be so sad when its over, but i'm going to try to live just like the choir was still going on; i want to smile everyday, read my scriptures everyday, pray every morning and night and go to the temple weekly so that I can have a 100% experience.

“Personally, I hope every young woman will leave this meeting knowing that they are beloved daughters of our Heavenly Father and that standing in holy places will enable them to have the protection and direction they need in their lives today,” said Sister Dalton. “I also hope that they will know of our gratitude and our love and admiration for them as a presidency. The young women and their mothers and leaders are incredible.”

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